Saturday, July 5, 2014

Catching Up....

It's been too long since I've touched this blog. It's not that I haven't had much to write about. That's not it at all. It's not that PTSD hasn't reared its ugly head. Nope. It's just that I haven't touched this blog since we moved here two years ago. So much has happened during those two years. We enrolled our boys in public high school, they graduated and both earned full-ride scholarships, we were kicked out of a church, joined another church, I wrote a letter to both of our State senators, and a whole lot of other life events. Let me just catch you up a little on our lives. We are going through another season of transition. Dear Hubby and I are moving to a much smaller home in a different city. Twin 1 is headed to the University of Texas Dallas, and Twin 2 is headed to Northern Arizona University. I have the privilege of starting a new job with a new school district, and Dear Hubby gets to tag along with me. My heart is not ready for the boys to leave home, but I think the move to a smaller home will help. I cried a lot when Twin 2 was dropped off at the airport to spend the summer working with his grandfather. He won't see this house again. Twin 1 has been working his tail off with a local moving company. He is developing quite the physique by working a very physical job. The thought of the boys going their separate ways breaks my heart and I wonder how they will handle it. If the truth be told, they'll probably do better than their mama. (Supply me with Kleenex, please.) I can't even say how Dear Hubby is going to manage with all the changes. I imagine there will be a lot of adjustments in the near future, and I hope he does well. Oh! I nearly forgot to mention my upcoming surgery. (Translation: One more STRESS factor!) I put off a mammogram for two years, so guess what? I have a lumpectomy scheduled in three weeks. It is benign, but it needs to be taken out nonetheless. This happens one week before school starts and I have so much to do. I'm just going to say it now--right here--UGHHHH! My family will survive. We've become quite the experts on transitions and survival over the years. That's just what you do when you live with PTSD and multiple TBIs and other service-related injuries. Wow! I guess I didn't realize the magnitude of the pending changes until I wrote it all out. I'm rambling, so I'd better try and get some sleep. I have some really good blog posts to write in the future. I promised to write, and I will. Blessings! the PTSD Widow For some reason, none of the conventions are displaying correctly on the published version. I'm not sure how to fix it so it is more reader friendly.