Saturday, April 30, 2011

Severe April Showers Bring...

Wow! I can hardly believe today is the last day of April. This month has been treacherous for the many people in the South who are affected by the severe weather. It's also been treacherous for many of my new friends who are dealing with the affects of severe PTSD/TBI storms in their own lives. I know this too well. My friends have been weathering a severe storm of the worsening of their son's rare heart condition. Unless they can successfully remove the fluid build-up from around his brain, he will not be a candidate for a heart transplant. Now that's a genuinely severe storm!

When I was a little girl, we would chant, "April showers bring May flowers." I know that something beautiful will emerge from the severe storms identified with this April. My husband and I were privileged to see the Tulip Festival about an hour north of us. The day we chose to attend was magnificent. The sun was shining, the clouds were perfect, and the tulip blooms were exquisite. That was a therapeutic event for me. Walking among the tulip blossoms made everything seem right with the world. I even bought a ton of tulips to brighten my kitchen.

Perhaps we have waded through the worst of the April storms and now we're stronger for it. Perhaps some of us are still in the middle of the muck and mire--hang on! Something beautiful is bound to spring up in the future.

Blessings to all,
the PTSD Widow

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Days...

Recently, my friends and I were sharing stories of our many trials and how we managed to not only survive the muck and mire, but also thrive on the other side. I remembered the difficult times just before my husband's diagnosis and subsequent medical retirement from the military. That was definitely a muddy time in our life.

So many, many times it would have been easier to just give up and leave the marriage and everything we had established together. (Life was that trying at the time.) However, if I had elected to leave when we were in the middle of the muck and mire, I would have only remembered the bad times and how hard it was and the negatives. I wouldn't have had the chance to see the other side and reap the results.

Sure, there are still difficult times in our life as we cope with PTSD and multiple TBIs. I'm not going to pretend there aren't, but I will tell you there are good days too.

If you are in the middle of the puddle and above your kneecaps in mud, let me encourage you to hang on. Wade through the mud and persevere. One day you'll look back and wonder how you made it through, but you'll be glad you stayed the course. You'll be stronger for your struggle and able to encourage others.

Blessings to you all,
the PTSD Widow

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brain Injuries Remain Undiagnosed in Thousands of Soldiers--


Click on the above link to read an amazing article about Traumatic Brain Injuries. I believe this one was originally published in June 2010, but it's still relevant.

the PTSD Widow

Sunday, April 17, 2011

PTSD Anonymous

Hi All,

I found another website that promises help for veterans who suffer from PTSD. I just want to raise awareness and educate people about PTSD, offer help, and share possible coping skills.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How Much More?

My husband is gone again. He had an episode tonight over dinner. I know I was the one who set him off this time--and then the boys and I went out for awhile. They needed a change of scenery and the chance to be with their mother. When we came home, my husband was gone. All the lights were off and he was gone. He didn't even bother to leave a note, call and tell me where he was going, or anything. Now--as is the normal--he is not answering his phone or text messages. He makes me so angry!!

I often wonder how much more of this type of life I can handle and why is it that I hang on. In all honesty, I ask myself these kind of questions more often than not.

I'm trying to be happy. I've been trying to do things that I used to do when I was actually happy. I've been losing weight, and I can actually move without too much pain now. I'm trying all these things and I still can't help my husband. Sometimes I get so tired of the excuse of PTSD. Sometimes I feel like that's all it really is--an excuse. In my head, I know better; but in my heart it's an excuse. Oh how I wish he could just get over it. But he can't.

So, I will pray--move on, and tomorrow will be another day. My husband will come home some time, but I don't know when.

Sweet Dreams,
the PTSD Widow

Monday, April 4, 2011


I don't know about you, but I'm tired of unidentified triggers. You know...the triggers you don't even suspect will set off your beloved. You know...the triggers that cause us to walk on eggshells because we don't know how our beloved will react. We can't avoid triggers unless we can identify them. And even then, I'm sure it's impossible to avoid them all the time.

Lately, everything has been a trigger for my husband's PTSD. He's gone a lot during the day because he believes that being away from the house is better for everyone here. In a way, he's right. We haven't turned on the news to learn anymore about the nuclear disaster in Japan or the devastation there. It's just too much for everyone in our household. I guess it makes us realize that life and the lifestyle we know is very fragile.

Blessings to you,

the PTSD Widow