Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Days...

Recently, my friends and I were sharing stories of our many trials and how we managed to not only survive the muck and mire, but also thrive on the other side. I remembered the difficult times just before my husband's diagnosis and subsequent medical retirement from the military. That was definitely a muddy time in our life.

So many, many times it would have been easier to just give up and leave the marriage and everything we had established together. (Life was that trying at the time.) However, if I had elected to leave when we were in the middle of the muck and mire, I would have only remembered the bad times and how hard it was and the negatives. I wouldn't have had the chance to see the other side and reap the results.

Sure, there are still difficult times in our life as we cope with PTSD and multiple TBIs. I'm not going to pretend there aren't, but I will tell you there are good days too.

If you are in the middle of the puddle and above your kneecaps in mud, let me encourage you to hang on. Wade through the mud and persevere. One day you'll look back and wonder how you made it through, but you'll be glad you stayed the course. You'll be stronger for your struggle and able to encourage others.

Blessings to you all,
the PTSD Widow

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