Monday, July 5, 2010

After the Party

The smoke and debris from last night's celebrations are finally settling and many people are still sleeping. I'm at the computer pondering freedom, independence, and the cost of it all.

Many men lost their lives in battles so that the citizens of the United States of America would be able to enjoy the freedoms outlined in The Bill of Rights. Many men fight to regain the lives they willingly gave up when they raised their right hand and swore or affirmed to defend the people of this great nation. Still numerous men and women in uniform continue to proudly serve our country--some are unaware of what it will cost them.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the costs many soldiers will suffer. It's not something that will go away with time. It's not something that will become easier to deal with as the days go by. No. PTSD robs people of the lives they once led. It is a disorder that no one tells you about before you sign on the dotted line because they can't guarantee wether or not it will become one of your tabs. PTSD tears individuals from the inside out and rips apart families.

It's my understanding that many veterans who suffer from PTSD end up divorced--a number of times. Not everyone can handle the ups and downs of PTSD. The sudden and unpredictable outbursts, the harshness of words, the anxiety, and other symptoms are difficult to live with. PTSD sufferers and their spouses have to make a decision every day to commit to their wedding vows. They have to redefine "freedom."

Enough for now--Blessings,
The PTSD Widow

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