Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gone, Grieving, and Time Changes

My husband's mother passed away last Wednesday. She had suffered greatly from the cancer that had progressively enveloped her body. Anyhow, the entire situation presents difficulties for each member of the family and even more so for my husband. He seems to be handling himself very well, but on the inside he is grieving. PTSD makes the grieving different.

It's been a long time since I have seen grief like this. When my uncles passed away, we grieved, but there was a great sense of relief and peace. When Grandma passed, there was grief, but there was a peace about the situation. People are beside themselves--it's just different.

The boys were able to attend youth convention while we've been here. That gave them something to do and allowed them to meet some new people. It was good for them to hang out and experience such an event, and they were pleasantly surprised by the number of bands.


I wrote this in early November while my family and I were away attending to family matters after my mother-in-law passed away. It seems I never finished my thoughts enough to post last month, so I'll post this now.

Blessings to you,
The PTSD Widow

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