Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October has been one of the most beautiful months of 2010 so far. The cool mornings, sunny days, and longer nights have been a welcome change from the pace of summer. Though my life is about to go into the highest gear ever, I am at peace. I know that God is in control, and that knowledge allows me a genuine peace in my spirit.

We have been studying different worldviews in our Tuesday night Bible studies. It has been really interesting to learn how people in other cultures believe. The ideas that color their worldviews are different from what I've been taught. However, the truth be told, humanity as a whole is in desperate need of the Savior. They all seem to be searching for the same desires, but there is really only one Savior who can fulfill those desires.

On a different note, the husband seems to be doing well, and I feel much better. I've been sitting in the sauna with the weiner dog for twenty minutes or so each morning. It is surprising how much better I move and feel once my muscles have been warmed up. I had to nap yesterday, but the day before I made it all day without a nap. I was so proud of myself!

The husband seems to be managing his PTSD for now. I haven't noticed big differences, but the yelling seems to be less. He seems to be somewhat happy if that's a possibility. I even caught him giggling at himself last night. That was a real first in a super long time!

We have been praying about a couple of possibilities that will result in more changes and adjustments for our family. A call yesterday confirmed that one possibility is more real than I thought. I'm still praying. The husband and I want God's will for our family, and we are trusting Him to open the doors and provide.

I need to get on with my day.

Many Blessings,

the PTSD Widow

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