Sunday, October 31, 2010


My husband has been sick with pneumonia for over a week. The boys seem oblivious to this fact, but they don't share a bed with him. Needless to say, I have not been sleeping well. What's new? I never sleep really well; however, this is worse. The constant hacking initially awakens me, and then it prevents me from returning to a deep sleep.

Poor guy! I know my husband hurts, and I know pneumonia is not good. I do feel badly for him, but the less sleep I get, the less tolerant and more snappy I become. So then, instead of having to only deal with pneumonia he's got a cranky (seemingly unsympathetic) wife to deal with as well. I try to let him sleep as much as he will so he doesn't have to deal with me.

There's another facet of this story yet to be told. Our teenagers are very busy! Their lives have not been placed on hold just because their father is ill. This leaves me to be the sole driver. Yesterday, I was up early to get them to a campaign headquarters so they could volunteer to make calls. Five hours later, I returned to pick them up and run them around some more. I came home around 4:30 to spend a few hours at home and take a nap. Then I left at 8:30 to pick them up. Talk about an exhausting day! I'm glad the boys have a social life. It's good for them.

If Hubby had been well, yesterday's driving might have been shared between the two of us. I can say that I studied every chance I could while the boys were running around. I stayed in the car so I could read.

Blessings to you today,
the PTSD Widow

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