Saturday, December 18, 2010

Apples of Gold

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver." Proverbs 25:11

How beautiful to consider our words in this way! I must remember to be more careful with my words so that I don't exacerbate the damage of the unspoken words people hear through other people's actions.

Yesterday was spent finalizing a paper for the completion of my first class on my way to a new professional title. After that, we left for an out-of-town wedding over two mountain passes. My adopted sister is getting married today.

I pray that she and her new husband will consider the words they speak this morning in their wedding vows as treasured jewels to be reconsidered and held onto for the rest of their lives. My adopted sister is very young and will enter this marriage as the newest member of their family--he's got two girls. She will have to quickly learn the power of her words as she takes on the task of raising these girls right at a crucial point in their development.

Enough about the adopted sister!

This morning I woke up to snow and howling winds! It's supposed to snow up to 6 inches today. That scares me, because I really want to get home soon. I wasn't planning on staying here that long. Encountering the snow was the risk we took in order to come to the wedding. I hope I brought enough clothes!

I'd better get ready for the day.

Blessings to you all,

the PTSD Widow

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