Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Bountiful Fishing Trip

My sister and I are preparing for a girls-only trip to San Francisco. We leave on Monday and will return next Saturday. We have never taken a mini-vacation from our families and just taken time to play, so that's what we've planned to do. No husband, no children, no animals, no set schedule. We are just going to have a good time and enjoy our freedom.

I'm a little concerned about the husband, however. He doesn't always do well when I'm away for too long. Just yesterday he told me how the boys are different when I'm away--how they seem to walk on eggshells and act afraid of him. At least he notices--hopefully, he'll be more gentle with the boys and use a softer tone. If you are inclined to pray, please pray for my family while I'm away.

The husband and I have had a couple of really good days. Thursday evening we went fishing, and I caught six fish--two got away just as I was reeling them to the bank, and one was too small to keep. The husband caught one--a keeper. Anyhow, it was amazing because there was this ten-year-old boy at the lake who was was fishing with a friend he called "Mr. Tuck." Mr. Tuck was inexperienced, so my husband helped the boy rig his pole. Needless to say, the boy caught a fish and reeled it in while Mr. Tuck went home empty-handed.

We also saw this Aussie daddy with his four children. He was so gentle with those kids, and it was fun to listen to him talk! Aussie daddy made sure that all four of his children had a magnificent time. They were still fishing when we left but had already caught seven trout. It goes without saying that catching fish will make any fishing trip fun.

My own boys are growing up. They don't want to go fishing with us much anymore. They'd rather go out with girls or hang out with their friends. Who can blame them? The boys were at youth group while we were fishing. They can't tell me about what they talk about during youth group "because of the content, Mom." They promise to tell me when it's more appropriate to share. I have no doubt they are receiving truth and a godly influence, so I can respect their need for privacy.

Guess I'll go back to bed now that I've written a book.

Blessings to you,
the PTSD Widow

1 comment:

  1. You surely had a bountiful catch! Well, I’m not talking about the fish alone. You were able to help a boy and Mr. Tuck with their fishing dilemmas and see a magnificent dad who is taking good care of his kids – those, for me, are the memorable experiences that you were able to “catch” that day!
