Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My nightmare...

Have you ever woke up from a nightmare only to realize that your husband is still gone? Honestly, it would have been nice if he were home because then he could have talked me down from my nightmare. At least it wouldn't seem as if all is not well in our home. I had to go check on the boys to make sure they were still home (they've been in bed for the last three hours)--that's how scared I was.

It's not very often that I have such vivid dreams or even remember my dreams. This one scared me. Usually, I dream about other people's children and have come to recognize this as a signal I need to pray for that family. This time, my nightmare was about one of my own children. This means I will pray ever more fervently for God to provide His protection over my son and to help with my son's attitude.

If my husband were home, I could have shared this nightmare with him. I don't know if I would still be shaking, but at least he would have been here. PTSD stinks! Not only is my husband emotionally unavailable, he's often gone AWOL from our home when his presence would have been beneficial.

Guess I'll try one last time to call my husband and then try to go back to sleep. Though I'm relieved it was only a nightmare, I'm still alone.

Blessings to you all,
the PTSD Widow


  1. I know exactly what you are feeling, so know that you are not alone when you experience things like this. I'm sorry that you had such a nightmare! Hang in there, Hun.

  2. I hate nightmares!!! i'm sorry you had a nasty one. comment comment comment comment comment. LOL

  3. Thanks, Anonymous. At least I know the comments are posting. You are a jewel. Now Widow's Sis can feel free to comment.

  4. Thank you, you're sweet! If the comments don't want to post right away, keep hitting post until the captcha thingy pops up.
