Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Edit" Life

I started this post yesterday, but I didn't get very far. Perhaps I erased everything I wrote because I didn't want those thoughts to be saved for later editing.

Wouldn't it be lovely if we could edit our lives? We could erase all the bad and only reflect what we want people to see and believe about us. We could manipulate each "frame" and add a little "color" here and some "fading for effect" there. Our children would have that angelic glow, our smiles would be brighter and our eyes have more sparkle. Wouldn't that be nice?

You know, life cannot be edited. Life happens and, with the exception of photographs and videos, it cannot be saved for later and manipulated to progress exactly like I want it. That's just not the way it happens in the real world. In the real world, our veterans see and experience horrific events that no amount of manipulating will make the outcome positive. In the real world we live with PTSD as our normal and walk on eggshells with our spouses. In the real world, we have to embrace each positive and really work hard not to become bitter and act as if we are victims.

In the real world, we have choices and decisions. Sometimes our real world is not exactly what we had envisioned for ourselves or how we would have edited it.

Just wanted to give you all something to think about today.

Many Blessings,
the PTSD Widow


  1. A,
    Wow I didn't know that you were such a great writer.
    Would love to talk with you about all your thought here.

  2. Thank you. I just write it like I see it--and sometimes I don't see very clearly. Writing is therapeutic for me as I deal with all the emotional ups and downs of living with my husband's disability. I am still able to thank God for the trials because I know that sometimes His blessing looks different than I expect.
    Blessings to you,
    the PTSD Widow
