Sunday, June 5, 2011

Testing, Shrinking and Sunshine

San Francisco was wonderful! I was able to enjoy time with my sister and meet several people including Arthur Duncan. Overall, the trip was wonderful--no complaints from me. (An annual sister's trip just may be in the planning stages.)

This week has been a week of testing in our homeschool. Our state mandates grade level testing to ensure our kids are reaching academic milestones and that they are at or exceed grade-level standards. For some reason, testing is more tiring to me than actual teaching. Perhaps I tire so easily because I have to work so hard at being quiet so as not to distract my testers. I don't know about that for sure, but I do know I slept one sunny afternoon away.

Speaking of the sun--we've experienced two consecutive sunny days! This is a major event considering this past spring has been the wettest on record in our area. My husband and I went fishing on Friday evening, and then yesterday, we took our twins bowling. I had wanted to go to the ocean, but I was outvoted and ended up bowling. Regardless, the point of the outing was to have a good time and enjoy ourselves as a family. We easily met that goal.

The PTSD symptoms seem to be minimized in the sunshine, but the other aches and pains are beginning to worsen. I believe PTSD exacerbates every other symptom in a body, although I haven't any proof to support this theory. My poor husband has been using a cane to walk around the house, and he winces and moans with each step. It hurts me to see him hurting so badly just when I'm beginning to feel like I have some of my life back.

I bought myself a pair of jeans today. This is a major accomplishment for me because I haven't worn jeans in over 16 years. I'm losing weight and it feels wonderful! Many of the clothes I try on feel so big now. It's definitely a confidence booster to know that before long I won't have to shop in the plus-sized stores.

I need to get back to bed. The boys and I have a concert tomorrow night to kick off our summer celebrations.

Blessings to you all,
the PTSD Widow

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