Saturday, December 26, 2009

Doing Well--

I have to admit I'm proud of myself. Rather than spend another $20.00 I don't really have on a book I'll read only once, I put it on hold at the library. I'll probably be able to check it out before too long. I did that with the last book I read, and I have to say that it was well worth saving the money and bookshelf space.

Books are one of my weaknesses. I'd almost consider them an addiction because I have so many of them I've never even read. I remember buying one just because it looked cool and would make a great decoration. Anyhow, my husband put me on a moratorium from buying books--I have to either get rid of a bunch of them or read through all of them before I buy anymore. I've started to sort them out, but it is hard for me to part with a good book.

Christmas went well. The boys did not complain about not getting their laptop computer. They seemed satisfied with the little that they received. Today they hung out at the mall with a girl--I think I handled that pretty well considering I'm the mom. So far there doesn't seem to be any sibling rivalry between the two of them. That's a good thing. The dad handles that sort of thing even better than I do! That's even better.

I'm doing well. The dad seems to be doing okay. His aches and pains are bothersome, but so far he's not been irritable or angry. The past two days have been pretty quiet for him. I'm hoping that we are on an uphill rise. I'm looking forward to a New Year and renewed energy for both my husband and myself. There are so many things to get done around this property and I need to do more than my part.

the PTSD Widow

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