Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flexible Christmases

This Christmas season has me thinking of Christmases past, present, and future. I can't tell you how many different versions of "A Christmas Carol" I've seen featured on television movies this year! The story lines are all so predictable--it's almost irritating.

Christmases come and go for military families. Many times they are spent miles from loved ones. This is where the term "flexible" comes in handy. A military family has to be flexible--that goes for when to celebrate Christmas and other major holidays. The first Christmas my husband and I had together happened in February because he was out of the country on December 25. I thought it was great!! I got to take advantage of all the after-Christmas sales and put up my tree at the end of January.

Then there was the Christmas when my three-year-old son handed me a wrapped gift from under the tree and said, "Here. It's a ring--it's for you!" I'll never forget the Christmas my husband brought our puppy home. They boys thought his tail was something to pull on. I spent more time protecting the puppy when I should have been taking pictures of the boys!

Today, my boys are teenagers. They are no longer satisfied with Hulk Hands and Matchbox Cars. They want a computer or CDs. Unfortunately, this Christmas will be a lot less than usual. I haven't got a job, and my unemployment ran out three weeks ago. I'm praying they will be satisfied with what we are able to give them this year. I will say that their daddy and I spent a lot of time and thought into choosing their presents this year. We had to--we had a very small budget.

Next year, I hope things will look up financially and we'll be in a better situation. I really want to be able to do more for my kids. Maybe more isn't what it's all about. Maybe more means teaching them to be flexible. Flexible doesn't mean you always go with the flow--it means you make do with what you have and you make the best of the situation.

Christmas Blessings,

the PTSD Widow

1 comment:

  1. We have always had to be flexible....even when we didn't know what it meant. As time goes by and the years become shorter, that term becomes more clear. I must say that you are right in that we do with what we have. It is God that makes us rich and the love of family and friends that helps to keep us "flexible" at times like these. Love and be loved. Give and expect nothing in return. Be who god wants you to be and you can "be happy in the 'prison' of your own mind." Know this day and always PTSD Widow that you are loved and will always be loved!!!

    PTSD Widow's Sister
